Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Shys

Tomorrow night The Shys are playing @ the HOB in Anahiem and I would just love love love to go. Too bad I probably will not because nobody else really listens to them or everyone's suffering from the economy to afford a cheap concert. Anyways, I woke up this morning and the air in my nostirls was finally crisp and cold instead of dry. YESSS, bring on the cool weather

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

"wait, were friends"

    The past month I feel as though I have given guys bluntly the "were only friends" line one too many times. I guess maybe I should put into consideration of their feelings, but honestly I just can't lead on someone I'm just not romantically interested in. Is it better to not say "were just friends" to someone you consider as just a friend and let them pursue you and get absolutely nowhere? I think thats just mean.
    I know that I hate being pursued for some reason, but as I was explaining to one of my guy friends...girls don't want the guy that's always available. It's sadly always a game with the opposite sex and always will be a game. I don't understand why I can't fall for a good guy verses the fucked up guy that has too many issues or doesn't have a job. One dayyyy I'll learn hopefully. Guess I just need to fully let go of my past to move on :/ But on the other hand, im keeping my lips sealed for using the "were just friends" line.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Golden Ticket

Talk about a fun party I would want to go to! Willa Wonka themed birthday party for Katy Perry with paint fights, candy flowing everywhere, and oompa loompas. More pictures here.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Friday, October 23, 2009

going bananas

At a loss of words latley and this week I've been highly unmotivated. Hopefully I'll find some inspiration tonight or am just calming before an amazing storm. Maybe I'm just a tad sad from the little rejection I'm recieving from a boy who I kissed and I actually did like kissing. hmm. Friday night and I've got my best shoes on.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

King of the Jungle

Last night I had one of the most vivid dreams in quite a while. I wrote it down instantly because I'm one of those freaks that believe your dreams subconsiously tell you something about life. The one thing that was in my dream was a huge lion that shrank into a baby lion at one point. He was in a dark stone dungeon that I was climbing my way out of. This is what the internet told me it meant and im A-okay with it.


To see a lion in your dream, symbolizes great strength, aggression and power. You will overcome your emotions and/or difficulties. As king of the jungle, the lion also represents dignity, royalty, leadership, pride and domination. You have much influence over others. You need to exercise some restraint in your own personal and social life.


To dream that you are in a dungeon, indicates that you will overcome the obstacles in your waking life by continuing to struggle and utilizing your wisdom.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Hate to love you Del Taco

Dear Del Taco, You have completly fucked up my stomach for the day. I seriously blame you for the reason why I don't have hot girl arms. If fast food joints weren't open 24-hours, so many poeple would just pass out instead of injesting 1,000 of calories in seconds. I can't seem to kick the late night drunk munchies of quesidillas though!! They're just so addciting cheesy and warm. My metabolism is severly confused for the next three days after a 3 a.m. visit with del scorcho and inferno packets. Can we maybe compromise and have a breathalizer at the drive thru for those ordering the whole menu anytime past 1 a.m.?

If these are my drunk feelings, im super scared of myself sober on a bad day.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Totally wish I was born with those legs ^, so I could rock that outfit! working with what I was born with though :/

Monday, October 12, 2009

Ring a ting ting MUSIC

    Another day, unlike any other day sitting in my marketing class. My professor (who’s pretty good looking as if that matters) asked the class to bring or wear something that represented us. I chose to bring my ipod as if it wasn’t with me anyways. I chose to bring it because I thought all the play list represented a time or event in my life that I can look back on. There’s a play list that I listened to while training for a marathon, a play list dedicated to a former boyfriend, one for summer time relaxing the pool and you get the point.

    Anyways, after I volunteered my item to display, my teacher went into detail about how music is the one thing that people consider to show as a reflection of how they're perceived or want to be. It’s an example of the extended self. He also stated that if you ask someone what kind of music they listen to, and they respond with “Nothing” to just turn around and run. 
    In relation to music and the music industry, Ray Holmes who works for RMWX based in Canada was so kind to let me interview her for a school article. Here’s the link and listen away people! After all, you are being judged by what you listen to.

10 things we can't have without eachother

1. Money without Labor – We do not value what we do not earn.

2. Loyalty without Trust – Loyalty will vanish in the absence of trust.

3. Appreciation without Education – We cannot fully appreciate what we do not fully understand.

4. Wisdom without Experience – True wisdom is the product of many life experiences.

5. Power without Checks and Balances – Unfettered power leads to greed and corruption.

6. Business without Sincerity – Crooked businessmen are prison bound… if they’re lucky.

7. Success without Sacrifice – Success doesn’t find us, we find it.

8. Policy without Justification – Without justification, policy is just another form of tyranny.

9. Happiness without Peace of Mind – A mind at ease is already pleased.

10. Beginnings without Endings – A great, new beginning rises from another beginning’s end

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Life Check

    I know being a student, working, and interning seems like a lot for one's plate. But really, I feel and have felt lately like I'm not challenging myself enough. I don't know what to do though. I feel lost in translation or just need a little hint towards my next goal.
   Every weekend seems to mesh together like every single other weekend. Getting drunk every weekend is beyond boring to me unless I'm seeing something new or meeting someone new. I want to travel, get out of this conservative city and expolore. I guess  I just feel like the only thing that is stopping me is my budget right now. Loss of words and thought all of a sudden.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Goodnight Neverland

Mini Weekend Cap.

     The Most Interesting man in the world!! aka the XX commercial man. He only caught my attention because he was creeping in the ladies restroom. He eventally got kicked out due to a major starring problem. Out of all places at the Burton party, he would be in the ladies restroom. pffff I bet he has some good secrets!

         Then theres just me rocking my new black leather jacket that i absolutely enjoy. I hate to sound so industry, but I love industry parties! Free booze all night, free In-N-Out, free archies ice cream. Free is one of my favorite words...I think I have only a couple more yeas to rock the free industry parties though. This last one made me feel, a little, well, OLD. Kids were there from my high school that were maybe 3 years younger than me. I don't know, I just don't wanna be that girl that never wants to grow up.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Scumbags. Who steals an ipod from a family birthday party? shady people. Not that bitching about it will bring another ipod to fall in my lap, but I listen to my ipod 24/7!! music fuels my fire and can instantly put me in a good mood. Especially at school in the library when I'm hammering out homework. And now without an ipod I will not workout. Boooo for stealers and bad karma for that.

Friday, October 2, 2009


Seriously, I"m obsessed with this video. It's my all time favorite childhood movie.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Yin Yang

     The Yin Yang ancient Chinese symbol represents a view of life. The Circle represents "everything" while the black represents the yin. Yin meaning passive, downward and cold, while the white represents Yang, strong, hot, bright and active. The shape of the Yin an Yang represents energergies intertwined with each other as that's how everything works in life.
     It was created to look like this on purpose because of the sunrise, which is the white side, and the sunset which is that dark, black side. It represents a days 24- hour cycle.
     I see it as when there's something thats viewed as "bad" there's usually some sort of good that comes along with it. When something seems so great, there's usually a downfall or something negative intertwined. It's saying that life has to be balanced. Right now it tells me there can't be too much fun because too much of a good thing would be a a bad thing. Everything works together I where's my fun??