Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Been awake for the past 21 hours and on the non-stop go the past...week, month, year, life...BUT I'm on my way to LAX to New York, to Paris!! "sosososossooooo esssisted." There's luggage on my floor that's telling me all of the clothing and scarfs/hats/gloves/toiletries are definitely not going to all fit in there.

My mind has been acting like a hummingbird on crack lately. Can't focus for more than .1 seconds because I feel as if there's so much to do. Why don't I just do it and pack? Because even if I did, then I would lay on my bed and go through my head what did I forget. It's just like that.

Can't friggin wait to explore this world outside of the U.S. and across the Atlantic!! I've been told numerous times to "watch for the gypsies" and that "it's extremely expensive." Guess well find out for myself! Back to this luggage dilemma. Happy Christmas and Merry New Year.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Don't Judge Me

Don't know why but I've been thinking about highschool a lot. Maybe because it's my "roots" maybe because it was a comfort zone, or maybe because I wonder where everyone else is at this point in their life. Either way, I've  been thinking..I've had some pretty amazing people shape or help me shape the person that I am today. It's weird how I don't talk to these people anymore, but how they've definately impacted my life. The asshole who was just an asshole because he's super insecure, the gorgeous girl who everyone wanted, the best guy friend who listened to the best music, the ex-boyfriend who made me realize young love is the best love, the dumb bitch who I was mean to because everyone else was, the girl who didn't give a fuck, the guy who still hasnt changed and won't thank god. Ignorance is bliss.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hello December.

It's the first day of December and I couldn't feel more excited about what's ahead. The end of the semester is less than 3 weeks away, my Dad just bought a house (so happy and proud of him), I just got an amazing internship that I can't wait to start, and I'm going to Paris/Austria/Germany in 15 days!!!! I almost feel as though such big things are happening at the end of 2010 I'm apprehensive about something bad happening. I'm so excite for the new paths of life I'll be experiencing and so grateful for the people around me who have helped make them possible.