It's a strange condition. Got fired or "laid off" for the first time ever. It was definatley a bitter sweet feeling. I was actually walking into work that day with a weird feeling, like I'm so happy I have this job, but I treat i've always treated it like shit because I have a hate-love relationship with it. My whole relationship with that job was always to put minimal effort into it. For some reason I liked playing with fire by calling in sick, not coming in, not making draw, and just doing what I wanted. I knew I would potentially get fired if I kept it up, but I liked the idea because then it would kick my butt into an unknown what do I do next feeling..It would put me out of my comfort zone.
So here I am now, completly out of my comfort zone hahahaha. I keep thinking that I just have the weekend off because I requested it off since I thought I would be in Vegas, but luckily that fell through. It's just a shitty feeling knowing I don't have a full paycheck coming soon! I still have my job at the dental office, but that's such minimal hours it will pay for my gas and credit card if anything. FML.
So now I don't really have a choice but to start looking for jobs. I went on one interview already, but it's a totally out of my "comfort" zone I know nothing about job. Working with autistic children. I mean, I love children, but honestly don't know anything about that. Luckily I'm open to the idea and the rewards and pay may be worth it. Well see...When one door slams shut, another one is bound to open. My only concern is getting my ass to Paris in December.
Finally well both have lots of time on our hands! lets party, fuck CRAZY bitches, hello fall!