Sunday, June 20, 2010


Why is chasing something that floats into space and burst in seconds so entertaining? As kids were taught certain rules in life…

1. Don’t talk to strangers

2. The golden rule-Be treated how you want to be treated

3. Always look both ways before crossing the street.

4. And that if you eat your dinner, you’ll be rewarded with dessert.

But when were an adult….

1. Talking to strangers at the bars is the only thing we end up doing. Who are these people and what is wrong with 89% of them.

2. Let’s face it, nobody today is so genuinely nice. There’s a motive behind everyone’s action just to get what they want.

3. Drunks never look both ways before crossing the street. Have you ever sat on Huntington Beach Main street and watched people flail into the street?

4. Rewarding ourselves gives us motivation to do something good. Hello a hard week at work Monday - Friday means I can get wasted all weekend!!

The younger we are, the more older we want to become. When your young being an adult seems like the most amazing thing ever because nobody can tell you what to do or when to go to bed.

It’s the end of the world being a child and only having to worry about what’s on the lunch menu at school the next day. Fuck, I hope it’s chalupa day again! Actually I was one of those kids who only ate the cafeteria food like twice from K-8th grade. My Mom always let me pack my own lunch and my peers were clearly jealous that I had a bag of brown sugar and chocolate pudding compared to the typical PB&J. No wonder I still enjoy syrup, fun dips, and Capri-suns. Maybe I’ll quite the sugar thing when I have diabetes.

Back to the bubble subject, I feel like parents are missing out on one major life lesson that would benefit today’s society. To stop chasing the things in life that don’t last long. Like bubbles! They’re so pretty, fascinating, and amazing that you can blow into a magic want and create things that pop. But really kids this is a lesson in life you don’t want to pursue. The quick fix will not last long and create a longer road to success than before.

Don’t chase something that isn’t going to last long. Effort, time, and patience isn’t as entertaining as pretty bubbles, but it’s actually beautiful in the long end.

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