Thursday, December 10, 2009


    With so many school projects, finals, working two jobs, an ex-lover coming back into my social circle, waking up to a phone call about a friend that died last night, just hearing that my brother totalled his car, and seeing a close friend slowly spiral down, I don't know what to say, feel or freaking do. So stressed about everything. I know once the semester is over and the holidays are over I'll have some breathing time, but I just feel like I have so much to say, but don't know if I should. It makes me unbelievably sad to hear when people die from ODing on drugs. I can't relate to addiction too much, but have seen it too much recently and see that it just destorys people. When I think of people I admire or find interesting, those people have passions in life, not addictions. As hippy as this sounds, but if people really tried a little harder, the world would be a much more beautiful place.
    I talked to this guy that moved here from Columbia to go to school and chase the American Dream. His family owns one of the biggest coffee companys. He wouldnt tell me which one because I think he thougth I was a gold digger, but anyways, I asked him his favorite thing about living here, He genuily thought about it and said, "I'm Safe." We may be politically incorrect, corrupted by the media, and in an economic crisis. But I think we can agree that safety is a priority. What that has to do with anything I said above I have no idea. Like I said I have a lot on my mind, and writing sometimes releases a paper weight off my shoulders. Off to work.

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