Monday, November 9, 2009

Root Canal Pervert

        Being a dental assistant is probably one of the least sexiest jobs in America. I wear unsexy scrubs, a mask, goggles, and suck people's drool for a living. Kinda gross if you think of it that way. If I'm constantly in the scrum of the scummiest mouths or the pretty pearly whites for all that matters, why does doing a root canals give me such sexual thoughts?
          Everytime I help the Dr. out with a root canal, I stand there next to the patient with my white tip suction waiting for the Dr. to file away and use the bleach so I can suction up the bleach. It's a longer process and during that time my mind goes towards perverted things all the time.
          I just don't understand how I can have such racey sexual thoughts performing a root canal on a complete stranger while my Mormon Dr. does the root canal. I even go through the same thought process of telling myself to stop with the nasty thoughts, but I can't?
       What gives! I've tried starring at the fish, I've tried starring at the cars outside, I've tried everything to think of anything but sex while doing a root canal. Anyways, hopefully your not getting a root canal from me because you know whats going through my mind. AND if you are getting a root canal or visiting the dentist anytime soon, people please!!!!....We can see and do stare at every pore on your face. Trim your nose and ear hair, and women with mustaches, please do something about that. Lauren Conrad's mustache is enough for my eyes, I especially don't want to stare at yours up close while I'm having sexual thoughts.

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