Thursday, July 15, 2010

Happy Anniversary to me, in a way.

Tomorrow marks the anniversary of my blog! I love the first year marks of something. It helps me reflect on where I've been and where I'm on my way to. Whoever said blogging gets you nowhere was seriously wrong. I write for many different reasons. If I didn't write half the stuff I have, I wouldn't remember half of it! Writing makes me feel like I'm not just floating through life because I can go back and remember how I felt at that point in my life. Blogging has given me the opportunity to connect with other people around the world. I've interviewed several fellow bloggers and gained some insight and knowledge that will help my future and has helped me with my school work as well. Hey, last month blogging gave me FREE tickets to a Miike Snow concert that I wanted to attend really bad in the first place! Happy blogging, writing, memories, and cheers!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Where is heeeeee?

     Just another typical day working at Nordstrom in the children's department today, or not. Lately no day is typical and I am A-Okay with that. I'm helping my customer pick out a couple of outfits for her 10 year-old granddaughter. We start chit-chatting and end up on the subject how she's heartbroken because she only has 4 boys and will never get to be the mother of the bride. Other co-workers and kind elder customers chime in with their 2 cents and  positive comments.
     As I'm wrapping the lucky 10 year-old birthday gift, my customer quickly and clearly states that she still has one UN-married 28-year old son. Then looks me straight in the eye and ask, "So are you married?" I thought she was just trying to be funny or make conversation, but she clearly was being serious! She ask if she can take a picture of me to send to her 28 year-old obviously single son! I was caught so off guard, of course I said yes.
    She made a comment about how she has one more chance to try and get a daughter-in-law that she can feel like she bonds with, and then she sent the text to her last UN-married son. With the little tiny hope in my head thinking OMG that could be the future love of my life!... And then the bigger voice in my head saying, "Candace get real, he's probably super boring and a complete douche-bag."
    I didn't realize until today that being single in your 20's feels like every day is a time bomb to meet that mate. Lately every day feels like I'm a contestant on the bachelorette. I found out his name later in the conversation and did my very best to try not to google him. Who knows, what if he is my future husband! Now that would be a cute story to tell our grandchildren.
    As much as I try not to worry or convince myself that I'm not worried about being single forever, boys are always on the brain. Like really, where is heeeee? What is he doing right now? Why can't I have him yet? How many more people do I have to kiss before I never kiss another man again? Being 23 years-old and single means being in my prime time, doing what I want and when I want. My boobs are never going to be as perky as they are today (without surgery) my skin is never going to look younger than tomorrow, and my metabolism sure as hell isn't speeding up.
   I'll still convince myself that my Mr. Right is somewhere waiting for me at the perfect moment. After all, life is just made up of moments. I'm 23 years-old, have a good sense of who I am, what I want, and what I need. I'm gonna shove those "Where is heeeee" thoughts far back in the brain and enjoy my single summer.

Friday, July 2, 2010


Okay so last night  I was at blue beet having fun with some girl friends, maybe doing some minor stalking on a potential who's now not a potential, and of course taking pictures. I ask this guy to take a couple pictures of Elise and I..he takes a few then I asked for my camera back. He said, "What are you talking about this is my camera." to make a really long pointless story short, he tried to steal my camera and ended up just taking my memory card. Like, really? who wants to steal memories!!! so freaking rude. I was in a complete furious temper rage, but was actually completely calm because I guess when im the most upset I am extremely calm and quiet. It's weird how calm I was..this guy who saw the camera snatcher knew he was completely delusional and amazed how calm I was. I swear, I feel like I was put here to be tested with patience. So, I upgraded my dingy 2GB and got a 4GB. Time to start fresh and make some more memories.. :(