Monday, September 28, 2009

Midnight Analyzing

I came across this music blog, saw this picture and couldn't stop and help but think about it. It just fascinated me, who are these people and where are they supposed to be going? The woman driving lets call her, Jessica, is so focused and set on her destination. While the little girl, lets call her, Becky, is looking at Jessica like your totally nuts! But then again she is reading a book titled "Forgetting Things." Because she's reading the book it almost makes me think they just commited some sort of crime and are on a mission to get away. Not sure what type of car it is, but it's obviously a luxury convertable with her LV luggage in the back seat. Wherever Becky and Jessica are going, they definatly know where they're going and that they want to arrive as fast as possible. If anyone knows anything about this picture, please inform me! Because I'm just too curious or just too tired right now. Goodnight Neverland

Another Monday..Try and make it a good one. It's gonna go by slow for me because I already can't wait for this weekend! "hate to sound so industry, but Burton party Friday." _J.K. and my Brother's 18th birthday party Saturday :)

I'm still searching high and low for the perfect leather jacket. I wont settle for one that is just okay so hopefully it even exists!

Can't believe it's almost October...All i want to be is Buzz Light year for Halloween.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

People are strange

People are strange from Denis Fongue on Vimeo.

Friday, September 25, 2009

sister play time


Hold on

Phone off. Facebook Deactived. Life is good living simple sometimes.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Food for thought.

My friend Boffa (she goes by her last name ok)  was talking about Karma and how she opened a fortune cookie a couple weeks ago. But it was fortuneless!! What are the chances of that, and talk about a major let down!! Chinese food is on my low list of favorite foods, but the fortune cookie is the only part that makes it worth the bloat from the food. I told her that her fortune meant she could have whatever she wanted it to be....

And hopefully one day this fortune cookie will come true.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Current song on repeat in my ears

Lyrics to I Lust U :
You and I get along famously;
I need you and you need me.
Staring from the cover of a magazine,
selling our souls for the highest fee.

And I love you...
Yes, I'll love you
if the price is right.

And I lust you...
Yes, I'll lust you
if the price is right.

You and I carry on strenuously;
carrying the burden of publicity.
Straight to another inevitably,
sell photos of the newborn for the highest fee.

And I kiss you...
Yes, I'll kiss you
if the price is right.

But I love you...
Yes, I'll love you
if the price is right.

And I love you...
(You and I get along famously)
Yes, I'll love you
if the price is right.

And I lust you...
(You and I get along famously)
Yes, I'll lust you
if the price is right.

And I kiss you...
(You and I get along famously)
Yes, I'll kiss you
if the price is right.

But I love you...
(You and I get along famously)
Yes, I'll love you
if the price is right

(Thanks to Payola for these lyrics)
[ I Lust U Lyrics on ]

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It's Ok....

I woke up in a spiffy mood for a Tuesday! These crazy busy days just blur together and lately I've been forgetting what month it is. Today is officially fall on the calender.  I'm excited for the Santa Ana winds to clear up the dirty air. The whole dust in the eyes thing sucks, but its not like I have to work outside. Oh for the picture choice, totally true! lovvvve you

Monday, September 21, 2009

Happy Monday

starfish with its arms out in a daze

staring at the stars

through an ocean haze

was I one you wished upon?

_Jets to Brazil "Sea Anenome"


prolonged battle


Sunday, September 20, 2009


That's right, practically a toaster to cook your weiner and buns!

Wish I was turning 4 years-old too

What a pretty damn good weekend. Not totally crazy, and not too mellow. Thursday I finally got to catch up with a few friends who I always appretiate and have a good time with theier company. Friday I was totally hung over and missed class, but still accomplished a lot school wise. Ran into a girlfriend that was in town from New York. Went to a 4 year-olds birthday. I love birthday parties with home cooked food, ice cream cake, games, and watching the kids attack the pinata. Somewhat mellow night Saturday at the usual "spot" which seemed like a reunion. Glad i chose to be sober driver that night because I got to witness how dumb people act when they're shit faced. Anyways another week and I have plenty of stuff to get done for school. ohhhh almost forgot!! Amazing shopping finds today thrift shopping, found $9 classic Charles David heels! a black/white flannel that will get amazing use this Winter, a leather jacket for only 16 bucks! and a vest which I adore. Yup, definatly have a shopping problem. Then had half dreams at the beach for one of the last offical days of summer season. I'm so ready for fall, bring it on!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


days ago i spent over $80 bucks at venice on a fedora hat, which i still am in love with and has some good secrets. anyways I was bored going through pictures procrasinating writing an article about an interview on buying bed sheets. I look at that picture and think about how I'm such a different person from a year ago, but in some ways or another, exactly the same. cheers XX

One day.

Monday, September 14, 2009

fellow blogger

It's pretty much Sex and the City of all the Blogs I've read. It's not so much for quick glances because the writing is quality. Sure, that's an opinion, but if you appretiate funny blogging, enjoy her!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


going on a harley ride to Santa Barbra to kick start my day with adrenaline and fresh air in my face. Then Dave Mathews Band tonight @ Verizon..happy Sunday



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Friday, September 11, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


...Barely, and its in deep fuse is like pocket size.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


I Miss K58 a lot. But off to Vegas again. I recall hating Vegas..but have gone June, July, August, and now it's September. Can't say no to free hotel suites i guess? Happy Labor Day everyone!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Saw it at an art show in NOHO the other day. Kinda intense


A few of my guy friends have been getting their outerwear, and its been making me excited for snow, winter, snowboarding, heaters indoors instead of a permanant one outside. Ande being able to watch movies all day without feeling guilty. I can't take credit for taking this picture, but it's one of my favorites! Thanks former bf.